Earl Sweatshirt Says He Doesn’t Want To Be “Defined” By Odd Future

Earl Sweatshirt says, “the OF thing follows you – it’s viral – even though not one thing I’ve done in the past couple years has been focused on OF.”

It seems like the Odd Future collective is slowing coming apart, if not already disbanded. Tyler, The Creator had OFWGKTA fans in a tizzy when he said “although it’s no more, those 7 letters are forever” on twitter. The next day he tried to backtrack a little, confusing us further, by saying, “ALL I WAS DOING WAS LOOKING AT OLD PHOTOS WITH FRIENDS AND THINKING ABOUT HOW TIME FLIES, CRAZY HOW ONE TWEET CAN STIR SO MUCH.” Nonetheless Earl Sweatshirt was a bit more unsympathetic with his tweets, tweeting that Tyler was just stating the “obvious”– OF is no more.

Now in a new interview with The Guardian, Earl expands on distancing himself from Odd Future in general (although it’s still unclear if OF is really “over”). Keeping the loner attitude that was prevalent in his album I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside, Earl said during the interview, “My world is kind of small. I mean, it’s bigger than it has ever been, but when I’m at home I don’t go out to other places. I don’t have a car, either. Every one of my neighbours minds their own damn business. I’m not a person that garners a whole lot of attention.”

Later, when asked if he’d ever return to the studio with Odd Future, Earl replied, “I mean, see for yourself. You’ve just got to look, bro, that shit is not cracking.” He continued, “Right now, I’m really trying to set my own two feet down as me. The OF thing follows you – it’s viral – even though not one thing I’ve done in the past couple years has been focused on OF.”

He added at the end, “It’s my teenage boy club that got famous that I’m trying to not be defined by.”


Tyler, The Creator Reminisces About Odd Future, Says OFWGKTA Is “No More”

Tyler, The Creator, the lead man in the Odd Future collective, got a bit sentimental on Twitter last night as he looked through old photos of the crew on his Golf Wang Tumblr.

“Damn going threw the old golf wang photos shit. i miss my friends alot. 5 years later isnt that long but wow soooo much has happened,” he tweeted, before proceeding to share a few archived Tumblr pages from the good ol’ days. Before he started sharing Tumblr photo sessions though, he sent out a somewhat cryptic tweet alleging that OFWGKTA is no more– “although its no more, those 7 letters are forever,” he said, not elaborating any further.

The plot thickens though; early this morning, Tyler sent out some more tweets which could cancel out last night’s emotional binge. “WHAT THE HELL DID I WAKE UP TO,” he tweeted this morning.

Check out his series of tweets below. We’ll update you if we have confirmation or clarification either way.